Which is right for you? Carbon Block or Reverse Osmosis (RO)
Highlights of Carbon Block: Carbon Block removes gaseous and low weight molecules such as chlorine, herbicides, pesticides and VOC's. As water passes through the carbon, low weight contaminants adhere to the carbon. The carbon in a sense "holds on" to the contaminants. Carbon filters have a pore size of less than 1 micron to 50 microns, however it does not rely on the filtering/straining action alone...it's main function is to actually adsorb (not absorb), or "grab" on to low weight and gaseous chemicals as they come into contact with the media. Carbon Block filters reduces part of the spectrum of contaminants (it does not remove metals and minerals significantly), and does a great job at it. It greatly improves the taste of the water (because chlorine is the main thing that effects the taste of the water. If taste, odor and chlorine are your main concerns, then a carbon block filter would be very effective for you."
RO & highlights & Benefits: RO Cleans water molecule by molecule. RO is known as "purification". The membrane actually repels contaminants away from the it's surface and attracts pure water molecules and oxygen to pass through. It also provides a mechanical filtration function, straining out particles down to a size of .0005 microns.
The Combination of RO & Carbon Is the Best! When RO is combined with carbon filtration, It reduces the entire spectrum of contaminants. It also oxygenates the water, which gives it a fresh taste. If you want the best quality water available, then RO is the way to go."
The Miracle of RO! RO removes dissolved solids, particles that are in liquid form & smaller than even the water molecules themselves. RO purifies water by repelling contaminants away from the membrane surface "It is the only technology wherein contaminants are actually repelled away because of a molecular dynamic and water and oxygen are drawn through. Mineral salts that are dissolved into liquid form and are smaller than the water molecules themselves, are otherwise virtually impossible to remove, except with distillation, are easily repelled and washed down the drain.
The Remarkable Properties of Carbon Carbon filtration does not rely on filtration alone either...the carbon media actually "grabs" on to low weight and gaseous chemicals as they come into contact with it. The combination of RO and Carbon Filtration addresses the entire spectrum of contaminants. Plus, removing the metals and minerals that could impair the functioning of the carbon, makes the carbon all the more effective.